Facilities & Equipment

All users must be authorized by Professor Xing or Professor Jena. All users must be trained by one of the following personnel: Professor Xing, Professor Jena, Dr. Vlad Protasenko, Dr. Kazuki Nomoto, Dr. Yongjin Cho or authorized super-users in the Jena-Xing group. The lab policies and operational manuals are posted on the Group Folder on Box. All users are re-authorized annually to access facilities in the Jena-Xing group.

Shared Facilities at Cornell

We are users of many shared facilities at Cornell.  Some are listed below.  New users should follow instructions of each to get access.

Cornell Nanoscale Science and Technology Facilities (CNF)

Cornell Center for Materials Research (CCMR)

Kavli Institute at Cornell for Nanoscale Science (KIC)

Cornell Energy Systems Institute (CESI)

Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS)

Platform for the Accelerated Realization, Analysis, and Discovery of Interface Materials (PARADIM)


Group Equipment

Note: Equipment not listed below is available on a first-come first-served basis.

The Jena-Xing laboratory currently has a few molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) systems. They are dedicated to growth of device-quality GaN material systems (Gen10), Ga2O3 material systems (Gen930), high-temperature AlN and boron-containing material systems (Xplor), layered material systems and GaAs materials systems (two connected Gen-II systems).

Group members, please use this website to sign in for growths on each system and check system status.

Present super-users:
Gen10: (Sign-In) Dr. Vlad Protasenko, Dr. Yongjin Cho, Dr. Jimy Encomendero, Zexuan Zhang
GenXplor: (Sign-In) Dr. Vlad Protasenko, Dr. Yongjin Cho, Dr. Jimy Encomendero, Zexuan Zhang, Chandu Savant, Thai-Son Tran
Gen930: (Sign-In) Dr. Vlad Protasenko, Dr. Yongjin Cho, Jon McCandless
GenII: (Sign-In) Dr. Vlad Protasenko, Zexuan Zhang, Jashan Singhal
GenII III-V: (Sign-In) Dr. Vlad Protasenko


The Jena-Xing laboratory currently has a XRD system.

Group members, please use this website to sign in to reserve the system and check system status.

Present super-users:
Empyrean XRD: (Sign-In) Dr. Vlad Protasenko

Cypher AFM (Sign-In): Dr. Vlad Protasenko, Chandu Savant

The Jena-Xing laboratory currently has an array of equipment for temperature-dependent frequency-dependent I-V and C-V measurements.

Group members, please use this website to sign in to reserve the appropriate system and check system status.

  • Probe Station for Training with Keysight (PH236): (Sign-In) (first-come first-served)
  • General purpose Probe Station with Keysight (DH302): (Sign-In)
  • Cascade Semi-automatic Probe Station with Keithley (DH334): (Sign-In) with micro chamber (N2 purge to minimize effect of moisture, blackbox to minimize effect of room light) and femto-amp resolution and femto-farad stray capacitance

Present super-users:
Dr. Vlad Protasenko, Dr. Kazuki Nomoto, Dr. Austin Hickman, Dr. Jimy Encomendero, Bennett Cromer

  • Signatone High-voltage High-current Probe Station with Keysight (DH334): (Sign-In)  for RT-300 C (if your device resistance is > 10 ohm, please use other probe stations)

Present super-users:
Dr. Kazuki Nomoto, Bennett Cromer

  • Lakeshore DC-RF Probe Station with Keithley (DH334): (Sign-In) for 4K-350K

Present super-users:
Dr. Vlad Protasenko, Dr. Kazuki Nomoto, Dr. Jimy Encomendero

  • RF Probe Station (High Frequency Test Lab in Bard): (Sign-In)

Present super-users: 
Follow the instructions on the CNF website since HFTL is part of CNF

  • WiTec Confocal Raman Microscope: (Sign-In)

Present super-users: 
Dr. Vlad Protasenko, Len van Deurzen

Present super-users:
Dr. Vlad Protasenko, Len van Deurzen