Phillip is graduating with a PhD in Applied Engineering Physics (AEP) at Cornell in December 2021, and joining Lam Research. The previous accolades of Phillip’s at Cornell include NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (2017-2021), the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellowship for Research in Japan (Strategic) 2020, NSF Graduate Opportunities Worldwide Fellowship 2019.
During his PhD study, Phillip studied growth and characterization of spin-orbit materials and quantum states including the Integer Quantum Hall Effect (IQHE) and the Meissner Effect in superconductors. See a prior news release on Phillip’s work on “creation of beautiful marriage between quantum energies” and check out Phillip’s publications under “Publications” on the Jena-Xing website and search for “Dang”.
These physical phenomena together with the spin-torque effects underpin the proposed spin-orbit torque field-effect transistor (SOTFET) – a new memory proposal. Other group members engaged in this pursuit include Xiang Li (modeling), Joe Casamento (growth and characterization of multiferroics), Zexuan Zhang, Jashan Singhal and Yongjin (epitaxial magnetic materials), Hyunjea Lee (fabrication and characterization of SOTFET). This project is in collaboration with 7 other faculty at Cornell in ECE, MSE and Physics, funded by NSF and SRC.