“Epitaxial AIBN/ β-Nb2N Ferroelectric/ Superconductor Heterostructures,” authored by Chandrashekhar Savant et al., has been featured on the Cover of the November 2024 special issue of Wiley’s Physica Status Solidi (RRL). We report the first demonstration of all-epitaxial, ferroelectric/superconductor nitride heterostructures with sharp, abrupt heterojunctions in which the AlBN is ferroelectric with polarization along [0001], and β-Nb2N becomes superconducting below TC ~0.5 K. The findings open avenues for novel electronic and quantum devices with ultrawide bandgap, polar, ferroelectric semiconductors, metallic and superconducting nitride materials.
For more details, please visit the Special Issue on Nitride Semiconductors: https://onlinelibrary-wiley-com.proxy.library.cornell.edu/toc/18626270/current